Goose Lake, Okanogan County, Washington

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Goose Lake in 1989 showing dense stands of rushes (Typha, Scirpus) along the shore.  The aquatic plant in the foreground is Rupia maritina a salt tolerant aquatic plant dominant  in the lake at that time.


Goose Lake also known as Big Goose Lake, is located seventeen miles west of Nespelem. The lake basin is at the northern end of Goose Flats in the Columbia River Terraces watershed. The vegetation of the watershed is mostly sagebrush. The lake is shallow and has no surface water inlet or outlet. About 80% of the water surface area is occupied by plants. Ruppia maritima L. occupies much of the littoral zone of the lake. Utricularia vulgaris L. and Polygonum sp. were also present in shallower, quieter areas. Myriophyllum exalbescens (Fern.) Jeps was growing in a slick created by a dense growth of Ruppia maritime. In 1983, much of the lake basin was occupied by dense stands of Scirpus americanus Pers. with a few isolated stands of Typha latifolia L. intermixed
    The extensive stands of Scirpus-Typha were severely denuded by overgrazing and trampling by cattle from 1993 on. The photo below taken in 1997 shows the enormous change in this prolific wildlife wetland as a result of the destruction of the shore vegetation .

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Goose Lake (4/25/97)  showing changes as a result of loss of shore vegetation by overgrazing.