Omak Lake Phytoplankton



(See tables below for phytoplankton data)

May 14, 1988

Algal cell densities were low in all but the 14 m collection (approximately 760 cells/ml) from Station A. The collections from Omak Lake Station A were dominated by centric blue-greens and diatoms. The algae identified in the 1 m collection were Lyngbya cf. contorta (43%) and small centric diatoms (42%), large centric diatoms (5%), and Oocystis sp. (4%). At 4 m, small centric diatoms (70%) and large centric diatoms (10%) were dominant. Small centric diatoms composed 97% of the population at 8 m and 87% at 14 m.

September 27, 1988

Phytoplankton cell densities were low (to 100 cells/ml) in collections from Station A (1 m and 8 m) and the 1 m and 4 m samples from Station D. Density at 8 m at Station D was 3600 cells/m and ranged from 4700 to 6600 cells/ml in collections from Station B. The dominant alga in collections from 1 m at stations A, B, and D was the filamentous blue-green Lyngbya. At Station A, L. contorta composed 87% of the cells counted in the 1 m collection and 92% at 8 m. At Station B, L. contorta (74% at 1 m, 70% at 4 m, 65% at 8 m) and Lyngbya sp. (16% at 1 m, 30% at 4 m, 27% at 8 m) were also strongly represented. Except for the filamentous blue-green Oscillatoria sp. (10% at 1 m and 8% at 8 m), the associated algae accounted for <1% of the cell counts in the Station B samples. At Station D, Lyngbya sp. composed 32% of the cells counted at 1 m and 83% at 8 m. Other blue-green well represented at Station D were Anabaena sp. 1 (20% at 1 m, 23% at 4 m), Anabaena, sp. (38% at 4m), Anabaena cf. torulosa (16% at 1 m), Oscillatoria (15% at 8 m), Chroococcus (23% at 4 m). The green alga Oocystis sp. composed 16% of the count at 1 m and 11% at 4 m.


The most abundant algae in the May, 1988, collections from Omak Lake were the filamentous blue-green Lyngbya and centric diatoms. In the September collections Lyngbya contorta, Anabaena sp. and Oscillatoria sp. were the abundant algae.

Anabaena is frequently abundant in eutrophic lakes in early to mid-summer (Hutchinson 1967; Taylor, et al. 1981) and Lyngbya and Oocystis are typical of eutrophic waters (Taylor, et al. 1981). Although some species of Oscillatoria are found in oligotrophic lakes, others are common in mesotrophic to eutrophic lakes, ponds and stagnant waters (Paerl 1988). Chroococcus is commonly a subdominant in mesotrophic and eutrophic lakes, ponds and rivers (Paerl 1988). Gloeocystis is most frequently found in ponds and shallow, fertile lakes (Hutchinson 1967).

The presence of moderate numbers of phytoplankton typical of mesotrophic to eutrophic waters in the May and September, 1988, collections from Omak Lake indicates that nutrient availability is moderate.

Literature Cited


Spring, 14 May 1988

Sample Depth Phytoplankton Algal Cells per ml Percentage
1 M Lyngbya cf. contorta 40 43%
small centric diatoms 39 42%
large centric diatoms 5 5%
Oocystis sp. 4 4%
Ankistrodesmus sp. 2 2%
Lagerheimia wratislavensis 2 2%
4 Meter small centric diatoms 107 70%
large centric diatoms 15 10%
erismopedia tenuissima Lemm. 8 5%
Lyngbya cf. contorta 6 4%
Rhodomonas sp. 5 3%
Oocystis sp. 3 2%
Ankistrodesmus falcatus var. mirabilis 3 2%
8 Meter small centric diatoms 165 97%
Oocystis cf. pusilla 4 2%
14 Meter small centric diatoms 666 87%
large centric diatoms 99 13%
Scenedesmus sp. 2 2%

Autumn 27, September 1988

Station A

Sample Depth Phytoplankton Algal Cells per ml Percentage
1 Meter Lyngbya contorta 75 87%
Chlamydomonas sp. 3 3%
Anabaena sp. 2 2%
Chroococcus varius 2 2%
Gloeocystis planktonica Lemm. 2 2%
8 Meter Lyngbya contorta 100 92%
Oocystis cf. pusilla 2 2%
Chroococcus varius 2 2%

Station B

Sample Depth Phytoplankton Algal Cells per ml Percentage
1 Meters Lyngbya contorta 4500 74%
Lyngbya sp. 940 16%
Oscillatoria sp. 600 10%
4 Meter Lyngbya contorta 3300 70%
Lyngbya sp. 1400 30%
unidentified blue-green alga 15 1%
8 Meters Lyngbya contorta 4300 65%
Lyngbya sp. 1800 27%
Oscillatoria sp. 550 8%

Station D

Sample Depth Phytoplankton Algal Cells per ml Percentage
1 Meter Lyngbya sp. 17 32%
Anabaena sp.11 20%
Oocystis cf. submarina 9 16%
Anabaena cf. torulosa 8 16%
Lagerheimia subsalsa 1 3%
Scenedesmus bijuga 1 3%
Gloeocystis planctonica 1 3%
unidentified spherical flagellates 1 3%
Ankistrodesmus falcatus 1 2%
small centric diatoms 1 2%
4 Meter Anabaena sp. 30 38%
Anabaena sp. 16 23%
Chroococcus dispersus 6 23%
Oocystis sp. 3 11%
Chroomonas acuta 1 4%
small centric diatom 1 3%
8 Meters Lyngbya contorta 3100 83%
Oscillatoria sp. 550 15%
Chroococcus dispersus 8 2%