From Joseph Bauman's Stone House Lands:

An elaborate Rain God pictograph in the [Barrier Canyon style] is found in the [San Rafael] Swell's Head of Sinbad area... In this purplish painting, the Rain God stands in air, arms stretched straight out, pointing to either side, where clouds pour rain. Water streaks down, dripping to below his feet. A snake with its tongue flicking crawls toward a symbol just above the god's bug-eyed head. To the left, a doe faces the rain, praying. Her arms and legs are in a human posture, so maybe it's a shaman in doe costume. Nearby, a tall humanoid with moth antennae holds a snake in one hand. Above and below the snake are four circle symbols with lines coming from them--much like Aztec drawings of a sacrificed human heart pumping blood. (74)

Photograph used by kind permission of Terence J. Miraglia.
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